Dog Show Salzburg – August 10th/11th 2024

A successful exhibition weekend in Salzburg is behind us! In this case, “us” means „Georgi von Bertram Knoll Bloodhound Berlin“, „Bubbles von Bertram Knoll Bloodhound Berlin“ and „Xeros vom Rusteberg“.

Bloodhound „Georgi“ didn’t start in the champion class this time, but in the working dog class, because according to the ÖBaLC club regulations we have to collect the CACAs in the working dog class for the Austrian championship title. Georgi was again rated V1 and also took home the CACIB and BOS as well as the title “Alpine Winner”.

Bloodhound „Bubbles“ impressed the judges on both days in the veteran class and was also awarded V1, CACIB, BOB and the „Veteran Alpine Winner“.

Our Basset Hound „Xeros“ was the most successful of the three and we are very proud that the almost one-year-old male not only achieved V1, CACIB-J, Junior Alpine Winner, BOB-J, but also BOB among adults on both days has acquired. To top off the weekend, Xeros was able to secure 5th place in BoG FCI 6 (also among adults) on Sunday 🙂