The puppies introduce themselves individually for the first time at the age of 1 week

Please go for more pictures of the puppies to the German version of „Zucht & Rasse – Basset Welpen

Mr. Green – our first born and currently heaviest bundle of joy 🙂 Birth weight 543g and currently 860g at 1 week – always full and happy!
Mrs. Rosa – our smallest and most delicate at birth. What she lacked in mass she has in assertiveness! Birth weight 382g and today at one week already 660g! No wonder when you push the fattest brothers and sisters aside like a little fighting machine.
Ms. Lila – a stronger dog. For me the counterpart to Mr. Turquoise, but a little more agile. Birth weight 470g and today, after a week, already 760g.
Mr. Turquoise – also a strong male, but not so heavy than Mr. Green. Birth weight 489g and currently 760g at 1 week – a very relaxed little gentleman!
Ms. Red – who could currently be described as “the modest one”. She never pushes and just wants to lie close together with her siblings. Birth weight 428g and today at one week at currently 580g – the (too) nice one in the litter.
Mr. Orange – our smallest but by far most agile male. If you put him down somewhere, he immediately starts crawling to where he wants to go. Birth weight 470g and currently at 625g at 1 week.
Ms. Pink – we end the introduction of the puppies with the last born and the female bundle of joy or the eating machine 😉 Birth weight 406g, which today is already 795g after 1 week. Ms. Pink didn’t even notice that she was placed here on the blanket for the shoot!