We start 2025 with a few Updates

Breeding Update
- Birdie and Xeros have passed the ECVO eye examination without any problems. Also, the repeat examination of Georgi was without any issues. 😊
- Scott‘s Secret Keeper Madge has been mated to Georgi von Bertram Knoll Bloodhound-Berlin on January 8, 2025. If everything goes well, we expect our Bloodhound litter in mid-March 2025! See our beautiful litter announcement, designed as always by our photographer, Christina Pleinert.
- At the end of January 2025, Xeros and Birdie will have their HD/ED/OCD x-rays. We didn’t manage to do it in December 2025.
Updates from the Show Ring
- Georgi von Bertram Knoll Bloodhound-Berlin finished his Austrian Champion title
- At the dog shows in Wels/Austria in December 2024, and recently in Kassel/Germany, our dogs were awarded Exc. 1, BOB, and BOS – from champion, utility, veteran, junior to intermediate class (see more on Facebook).